
Warta industri

Apa hard hat?19 2024-07

Apa hard hat?

Hard Hat biasane nuduhake helm pelindung sing digunakake dening buruh konstruksi, penambang, petugas pemadam kebakaran, lan liya-liyane ing lingkungan kerja sing beresiko dhuwur kanggo nglindhungi sirah saka obyek sing tiba, puing-puing mabur, lsp.
Apa bahan helm ABS aman?19 2024-07

Apa bahan helm ABS aman?

Safe, helmets made of ABS material have high safety performance, good impact resistance and strong flexibility.
Struktur komposisi helm safety06 2024-06

Struktur komposisi helm safety

Helm safety dumadi saka telung bagean: cangkang hood, lapisan hood, lan tali dagu.
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